These tabletop RPGs have historically been the subject of much controversy - usually due to misinformation or simply misunderstanding. Individual sessions or 'episodes' of the game are commonly called 'adventures', and the ongoing game story itself is usually called a 'campaign,' a holdover from these games' own heritage from tabletop wargames. The default format for a tabletop RPG is for one player to be selected as the Game Master while the others each create Player Characters who will collectively act as the heroes of the game's plot. These are still popular today, in many forms, the most widely known of which are tabletop RPGs and tabletop Wargames. D6 dice are Older Than Dirt, while D20s are apparently Older Than Feudalism, though no one knows what they were used to play. The originals were played with a book of rules, pencils, paper, dice, models and imagination - a form of low-tech virtual reality. The role playing and strategy games that one sees on computers and video game consoles are one permutation of a much older legacy. Darths & Droids, Episode 732: 'In Space, No One Can Hear Your Scene'